Optionally, you can also set the Windows 10 lock screen wallpaper. Microsoft Intune > Device Configuration > ProfilesĬlick on Personalization and enter the URL to the wallpaper file behind Desktop background URL After doing that, login to the Microsoft Azure portal and navigate to To set a wallpaper (and lock screen background) we first need to upload a wallpaper / picture to a public place (behind a website for example). Therefor I will create a separate Profile to set the wallpaper. What’s not part of this Start Layout is the wallpaper and I think it’s nice to have a custom background in Kiosk mode. In step two of this blog we will create a customized Start Layout for the Kiosk devices. Configure and assign the Kiosk multi app Profile.Get the application AUMID / AppUserModelID.Export a customized Start layout to a XML file.In this blog I will cover the following steps I will make the following applications available
In this blog I will show you step-by-step how to configure this. For example, an Internet cafe that want to make different Internet Browsers available. If you have multiple apps that you want to run in Kiosk mode you can configure Windows 10 in “Multi App Kiosk” mode. A good way if you have only one app that needs to run on the Windows 10 device. Last week I wrote a blog about Windows 10 Kiosk Single App mode.